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Director's Corner

Well, with Summer ending and the school year once again on the horizon, your Library is hard at work shifting gears to our Fall plans. 

Not that we didn’t have a very good summer!  We had a great time at the Garrett County Fair meeting people (over 2,300 of them!), giving things out with... [access full article]

Welcome to summer, everyone!  We here at the Library have a lot of great events lined up for you all, as well as our array of great books, audiobooks, movies, games and more at your disposal.  Grab a read for the beach, sign your kids (and yourself) up for the Summer Reading Club to keep the... [access full article]

National Library Week here at the Library was a huge success, and we wanted to thank all of our patrons for coming out and celebrating with us!  As part of the celebration, we enjoy being able to show people exactly how much they personally have saved using the Library – many are surprised to... [access full article]

I hope you all are doing well in the snowy weather we’re seeing, and have some hot Library updates today to help warm your spirits!

Design work on the new Friendsville Library continues, with the support of a great group of people in the community who have been dedicated to this project... [access full article]

Fall at last, and there’s a lot going on at our Library!

First off, our Chromebook distribution program continues, thanks to the amazing grantwriting skills of the folks at the County.  Each qualifying household in the County is able to obtain one free Chromebook computer to keep from any... [access full article]


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