The Friendsville Library is moving into temporary quarters at the Friendsville Senior Center, and during October services and hours may be impacted. We apologize for the inconvenience!

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How to Get a Card | How to Renew a Card | Checkout/Loan Periods |
Fines and Fees | Copies, Printing and Microfilm | Computer Use Policy | Other Policies

How to Get a Card

In order to receive a library card that permits the holder access to the free services of the Ruth Enlow Library System, the applicant must:

  1. Show his/her state ID or other proof of address (military addresses are acceptable) listed below.
  2. Complete and sign the application/borrower's agreement.
  3. If the patron cannot provide a state ID, other forms of identification may be accepted.
    Acceptable forms of identification include:
    • Military ID
    • Consular ID
    • Passport
    • Employer ID with photograph

    Acceptable proofs of address include:

    • Utility bill
    • Bank-issued checks
    • Mortgage or lease
    • Other mail processed through USPS with the patron’s name and current address
    • If the patron is unable to provide any of these acceptable forms of identification, a post card will be mailed to the patron’s home address. The patron must return to the library with the post card to pick up his or her card.
  4. Applicants under the age of eighteen must have a parent or legal guardian sign the Borrower's Agreement for them.
  5. Library cards are valid for three years, after which they must be renewed.

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How to Renew a Card

Patrons can renew a card in person at the library or by phone. Library staff will verify that the patron's address and phone are correct and then update the record. A  new card is not issued at this time unless the original card is lost or damaged. Note: The patron must be in good standing to renew a library card.


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Checkout / Loan Periods

A patron may check out up to 100 items at one time, with the following exceptions:

  1. Two (2) Lucky Day Books or video games may be checked out simultaneously.
  2. Ten (10) DVD/Blu-Ray movies may be checked out simultaneously.
  3. Three (3) toys or backpacks may be checked out simultaneously.
  4. One (1) Wifi hotspot may be checked out at a time per household.
  5. One (1) Chromebook may be checked out at a time per household.

Time Limits on Borrowing 

All materials may be checked out for three weeks, with the following exceptions:

  • DVDs, Blu-Rays, magazines for adults, and equipment may be checked out for a period of one week.

Materials eligible for renewal will be renewed automatically three days before their due date.  All materials may be renewed up to three times with the following exceptions:

  • Lucky Day Books, Wifi hotspots, Chromebooks and magazines may not be renewed.
  • The ability to renew interlibrary loan materials is determined by the policies of the lending library.
  • An item is not renewable if there is another patron's request pending. 
  • Overdue items can be renewed online as long as there are up to 5 overdue items; if you have more than 5 overdue items, please contact the library for renewals.

Borrowing privileges may be suspended for the following reasons:

  • A lost item (items overdue 30 days or more)
  • An excess of $6.00 due in fines
  • Misconduct/refusal to follow Library policies

Once material is returned and/or payments made, most borrowing privileges are reinstated. 

Juvenile users are excluded from checking out toys, literacy kits, equipment, Wifi hotspots, Chromebooks, video games, DVD or Blu-Ray movies to their accounts.



Return of Library Material:

Public library materials may be returned to any public library in the county or the state, with the exception of DVDs and ILLs, which can only be returned to any Ruth Enlow Library branch in Garrett County.  All locations of the Ruth Enlow Library, excluding the Kitzmiller Branch, have outside bookdrops. 

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Fines and Fees

Overdue Items

DVDs and Blu-Ray $0.50/day $6.00 max
All other materials $0.20/day  $6.00 max

In the event of closure during emergency winter weather conditions or school closings, fines to be incurred that day will be waived.

While overdue notices will be provided as a courtesy, patrons are responsible for monitoring due dates and ensuring that their materials are returned on time.

Items more than 30 days late will be considered lost, and the patron will be billed for their replacement. 

Library Card Fees

Replace lost card $1.00
Mailing fee for holds notices $0.50

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Copies, Printing and Microfilm Printing

Each side counts as a page.

8 1/2 x 11 $0.20/page
8 1/2 x 14 $0.25/page
11 x 17 $0.30/page
Color (Letter size only 8 1/2 x 11) $0.50/page
Sending and receiving $1.00/page


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Computer Use Policy

All branch locations of the Ruth Enlow Library have computers with internet access for public use and Wireless Internet Access (WiFi) for your laptop PC. If you need help please refer to these "PC Tips." Also, parents may wish to refer to these "Internet Safety Tips for Families." 

Misuse or illegal use of the computers or Internet access will result in the loss of computer privileges. This includes users who violate the security of the library's network or other remote networks, repeatedly violate time limits, intentionally damage library hardware or software, disturb others in their use of the library, or violate the library's Acceptable Use Policy for Network Resources or any of the following rules:

  1. There is a thirty-minute time limit if others are waiting to use an internet computer.  
  2. If a patron is bumped he or she must wait 15 minutes before signing up for another 30-minute session.
  3. All computers will be turned off 10 minutes prior to library closing time.
  4. Only one person at a time may use a workstation.
  5. Note: The staff may make exceptions to rule 4 for instructional purposes.
  6. Patrons may not download or install software to the hard drive of the library's computers. Disks may be used as long as no software is installed. (CD-ROMs often require the installation of software in order to "run.")
    Warning: Although we use software to prevent viruses, this will not completely protect you from getting a virus. Software downloaded from the Internet may contain a virus and you may need to have virus-checking software on your computer. The Ruth Enlow Library is not responsible for damage to a patron's disk or computer, or for any loss of data, damage, or liability that may occur from patron use of the library's computers.
  7. There is a charge of $ 0.20 per page for black and white printing and $.50 per page for color printing.
  8. We reserve the right to ask for a library card or other ID before sign-up.

Reminder: Individuals are expected to use the library workstations in a courteous, reasonable and responsible manner. Please be mindful that the library is a public place; use discretion in displaying text or graphics that may be offensive to others.  Adults viewing obscenity within the view of children or accessing child pornography will be asked to leave the library and may lose their computer privileges. It is illegal for minors to access or view obscenity or child pornography in the library. Anyone accessing obscenity or child pornography will be subject to prosecution.

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Other Policies
