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Director's Corner

Fall at last, and there’s a lot going on at our Library!

First off, our Chromebook distribution program continues, thanks to the amazing grantwriting skills of the folks at the County.  Each qualifying household in the County is able to obtain one free Chromebook computer to keep from any... [access full article]

As the temperature rises and events across the County heat up, your Library has what you need - whether it’s great free activities through our Summer Reading Club (for adults and kids!), books for stealing a quiet moment for yourself at the beach, free movies your streaming services can’t take... [access full article]

It’s hard to believe, but it has been six years since I became Director here at the Ruth Enlow Library!  When I started, one of my first priorities was to get to know the area and to make a Strategic Plan that would guide the Library’s programs and services for the next five years - and now 2023... [access full article]

The Secret Garden entry in Vega

I'm very happy to announce that starting on February 1, the Library is getting a great new revamp to its online catalog called "Polaris Vega."  First and foremost, Vega brings a much more user-friendly interface, in which each title's book, ebook, audiobook and e-audiobook can be found side by... [access full article]

As we ease into winter, we enter one of my favorite times of year, when we can take a breather and plan for the year ahead.  There’s still plenty going on at the Library, though, and we especially hope to see a lot of you out there at our Holiday Open House events throughout the County!

... [access full article]


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