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Director's Corner

The Library's annual Summer Reading Club – with a theme of “Libraries Rock” – is in full swing.  We’re making this a particularly great event this year, with something for all ages.

Thanks to the “Learn, Play, Grow” materials we’ve been receiving, our Children’s Area in Grantsville,... [access full article]

First off, I wanted to say “Thank you” to everyone who took the time to fill out a survey for us over the last month – over 400, at last count.  Your input is extremely valuable, and we’re looking them over now to integrate what you want into our Strategic Plan coming up!

Our Meeting Room... [access full article]

Ruth Enlow Library User Survey

We here at the Library are working on our Strategic Plan, and looking for input from you!  You may have already received an email from us asking for your participation in our survey, but if you haven't, please take a few minutes to add your thoughts on what the Library should be - we want to... [access full article]

New Ruth Enlow Library website

Welcome to the Library’s new website!  We’d like to thank Tracy Carroll and the hardworking staff of the Western Maryland Regional Library for making this happen.  We hope you like the changes we’ve made!

As some of you may have noticed, the Library has made some exciting changes in... [access full article]


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