The Friendsville Library is currently located in temporary quarters at the Friendsville Senior Center at its normal hours.

All branches of the Ruth Enlow Library will be closed on Monday - January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We will reopen at our regular hours on Tuesday - January 21st.

Search: Vega Catalog  Website    


Update, 11:17 AM:  Deliveries and the hold system will be unavailable until March 28 due to the closure of the Washington County Free Library.

With the COVID-19 pandemic a serious concern worldwide, and with the Governor declaring a state of emergency in Maryland and schools statewide closing, I wanted to give you an update on what your Library is doing to help deal with the outbreak. 

The following measures have now been put in place:

  • First and foremost, at this time, we are regretfully cancelling all Library programs and events through April 15.   
  • Interlibrary loan has been suspended statewide, and we will not be able to fill interlibrary loan requests from outside of our system.  At this time, holds from within our system (Allegany, Washington and Garrett County libraries) will still be honored. 
  • All passive programs using shared materials (crayons, etc.) are being put away for the duration.
  • Toys are being removed from the Children’s areas of each branch, including stuffed animals.
  • Social distancing measures are being taken at each branch – seats will be spread apart and/or removed to ensure a cushion of 6’ between patrons.
  • Late fees incurred during the emergency period will be waived.
  • Employees capable of working from home are being asked to do so.  We also anticipate increased use of leave among employees which may result in staffing shortages and reduced hours – we will keep you all updated on developments there. 
  • Staff are disinfecting heavily touched surfaces (doorknobs, water fountains, etc.) twice a day.
  • Disinfectant wipes are situated at all computer signup areas for patrons to use to wipe down keyboards and mice.

Events change rapidly in this situation, and we here at the Library will do our best to keep you up-to-date on any new developments.  Plans are in place for further action here should it become necessary.  

Thank you all very much for your patience!

-Thomas Vose, Director
