Reopening News!
We’re back!
All branches of the Ruth Enlow Library will be reopening for in-person service at normal hours as of Monday, March 1, and we’re looking forward to seeing all of you (Well, the top halves of your faces, anyway)!
Masks are still required for all patrons 5 and up, and social distancing rules remain in effect – we take these measures seriously and expect our patrons to do so as well. Additionally, the following restrictions will remain in effect for now:
- Some computers have been taken offline and some seats removed to assist with social distancing. Additionally, we have marked waiting points for our patrons in line to check out materials to help ensure a safe distance.
- Wipes and Saran Wrap will be available for patrons to use in sanitizing and protecting public keyboards.
- Computer assistance from staff may be limited due to the need for social distancing, and we apologize for that in advance.
- Due to the Health Department’s guidelines, only up to 50% of any building’s maximum capacity will be allowed in at any time.
- We ask patrons to please ensure that children with them respect the social space of others.
- Patrons or staff showing the symptoms of COVID-19 are asked not to join us, or may be asked to leave if necessary.
- Coffee will not be available for purchase.
What if I have books to return?
The book return slots have been reopened and we appreciate your returning all materials there. Due to health concerns, we will not be able to accept materials returned by hand.
What’s going on with late fees?
Late fees will be resuming after April 1. Since we will still be quarantining all materials returned for two days, there will be a delay between the time they’re returned and the time they’re checked in – we will ensure that you are not fined for those quarantine days.
Can I request materials from Washington or Allegany County?
Yes - our hold system is currently fully operational.
What about interlibrary loan?
Interlibrary loan through MARINA is also back up and running as normal.
When will you be opening the buildings more fully and/or withdrawing your social distancing measures?
Any further loosening of restrictions will depend on guidelines from the State and from the Garrett County Health Department.
When will you be holding events again?
Again, that will depend on the guidelines set by the State and the County’s Health Department, as social distancing will have to be loosened further for programs to be viable. At this point, sadly, we do not anticipate holding any Library programs at our facilities in the immediate future, though a change in weather may enable us to hold activities outdoors.
What if I have materials to donate?
Unfortunately, we remain unable to accept donations at this time.
How do I know the books are safe?
All materials, once returned, will still be quarantined for 48 hours to ensure that any potential for contamination is removed, following best practices recommended by the State Library Resource Center.
Can I still have materials delivered to my house?
Unfortunately, with staff back to standard duties, we will have to end our direct delivery program for now. We received some very nice comments from those who signed up, and we appreciate them immensely!
Are Reading Express books still holdable?
For a little while longer, but our Reading Express books will no longer be holdable as of April 1.
We’re very excited to be seeing you all again!