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Summertime News

I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer!  If you haven't had a chance yet, please sign up for our Summer Reading Club - you can do that here - while the Club is almost done, there are still a few great activities left, so don't miss out!

We've been working hard on developing a new Strategic Plan, and we're almost ready to unveil it.  This plan represents an exciting new direction for the Library, with goals that were created in discussions with our patrons.  I'm proud to unveil the library's new Mission Statement here today: 

The Ruth Enlow Library uses its collection, programs, services, and technology to transform its community:

  • By championing literacies and lifelong learning,
  • By bringing people and groups together; and
  • By promoting democracy and civic engagement.

Additionally, as part of this plan, we wanted to define the values that we stand for, which make the Library such a positive force in the community: 

  1. Equal access for all
  2. Intellectual freedom
  3. Lifelong learning
  4. Reliability of information
  5. Fostering democracy
  6. Diversity
  7. Social responsibility
  8. Privacy
  9. Service
  10. Stewardship of public resources
  11. Collaboration

Look out for the completed plan in the near future!

In addition, we're happy to announce that the Friends of the Library are once again meeting regularly - anyone who loves the Library and wants to get involved in what we do should join!  The Friends meet on the second Wednesday of each month, and meetings are open to the public - come in and join the team!
